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Toni Van Voorst

Toni Van Voorst

Midwife & Hypnobirthing Consultant

Hi I’m Toni, creator of Bump and Birth Hypnobirthing. I am a proud Mother of two children and Grandma to two gorgeous little girls. I absolutely love everything about pregnancy and birth.

I’m also an experienced midwife, who has taught antenatal classes for many years so when I retired it seemed a natural progression to be able to do something that I love and to continue to support families in their pregnancy and birth journeys.


Birth is such a magical, life affirming event for most people but this is unfortunately not everyones experience and I want to change that. I will show you how to work with your body rather than against it.

My Philosophy

At Bump and Birth Hypnobirthing we will help you to approach your birth feeling calm, confident, positive and EXCITED!


So why hypnobirthing? Well my own births were super relaxed, short and beautiful births. Hypnobirthing embodies everything that you need for a positive birth, which I loved! I loved my births and it is possible for you to love your birth too, whatever type of birth you have.


We will provide you with the tools, knowledge and skills to empower you. You will be able to make informed choices that are right for you and your baby. We will give your birth partner the knowledge and skills that they need to truly support you with confidence. 

We have all listened to that birth horror story that people absolutely love to share with you the minute that you are pregnant and everyone has an opinion on how and what you should do,  all the different information and choices can be overwhelming.


You may feel anxious and worried about what lays ahead or you may have fears about giving birth to your baby. Some anxiety is natural and felt by many women and you are not alone in this. At B and B Hypnobirthing we totally get and understand this and we are here to support you all the way. The tools, techniques and knowledge that you will learn will transform your feelings about birth and how you experience this.


My approach is honest, with common sense and no false promises. I would love to work with you and if you would like to know more about me or the courses that I offer please contact me and we can have a chat or email me if you prefer and I’ll be in touch.  

Toni x

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