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Positive, calm
& tranquil births

We will help you to release any fears that you may have about your birth and dispel any myths. Your birth should be a magical event that you love, let us help you.

Toni Van Voorst
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Hi, I'm Toni a Cambridgeshire based Mother, Grandmother & Midwife

I created Bump and Birth Hypnobirthing following my retirement as a senior NHS Midwife. I absolutely loved being a midwife and felt privileged to have supported so many families and to have been present at so many wonderful births and I wanted to continue to support women and their families during their pregnancy and birth journeys. 

What is Hypnobirthing? 

Hypnobirthing is a complete birth preparation course that uses self hypnosis and relaxation techniques to help you feel physically, mentally and spiritually prepared to give birth to your baby, reducing anxiety, fear and pain. Through B&B Hypnobirthing you will learn about the physiology of birth and what happens during the birth process, how visualisation works, breathing techniques and the power of mindset and positive language.

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The benefits of Hypnobirthing are well known by birth professionals and women who have used the Hypnobirthing method:

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Less likely to have an epidural

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Babies with higher Apgar scores after one minute

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Less likely to request Caesarean section

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Less likely to have a medicated birth

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Less likely to
find birth painful

Mother holding baby
Mother holding baby's foot

Your body is designed to do this, it knows what to do

What some of our parents say

“Thank you for all your help, advice and support during my pregnancy. I am so glad you were so reassuring and encouraging with my home birth. Max is doing great and so is the breast feeding.”

Becky, Warren & Max

“We just wanted to thank you for the incredible care we received from you. This was our third baby and by far the best care I have received. We couldn’t have been in better hands. Thank you.”

Claire & baby Matthew

“Thank you so much for looking after me throughout my pregnancy and re-assuring me the whole way through it. It was much smoother second time around and I am throughly enjoying two week old Beatrix.”


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